We all know that creative work can ebb and flow, especially around the holidays and the new year. There are many factors which can cause the lack of design work. For example, employees taking vacation time, clients yearly budgets coming to an end, and new projects waiting to be scheduled in the new year.

During this time you may get placed on non-creative work to fill the void. You may even get put on projects that are not in your wheelhouse, boring, or mediocre. Which can leave your feeling empty or unfulfilled. Like your talents are being wasted.

But not to fear, I have some tips on staying sane when creative work is low:

Take a Breather

Working on non-creative work may cause unneeded anxiety. If this happens find ways to take short breaks and other outlets for stress relief during the day. A good and simple stress relief is to take a walk to clear your mind. Get lunch with a friend, maybe someone you can vent your frustration to. It will help to talk with someone instead of keeping it all in. Try a moment of meditation like yoga or if your office has a gym some exercise will help too.

Communicate to Your Superiors

Let your superiors know your frustration and be sure to set boundaries on the amount or the type of work you are willing to take on. Otherwise that boring work may become a more regular task. Your superiors may also have some ideas you can work on to help drum up some more creative ventures. Perhaps an email campaign or freshen up the company’s website.

Make a the Work More Enjoyable

Find the fun in those tedious tasks. Try working in short bursts, you can make a game out of it. For every item you accomplish give yourself a treat like a M&M (who cares about calories? after all winter is bulking season!). Turn up the music, play some fun and upbeat music to keep your spirits high. Find the positives points in the work you are doing and avoid a negative mindset. Try using humor to break the tension but be sure to keep the humor professional!

Take on a Side Project

A side project can be a great creative outlet when your current work is unfulfilling. You have complete creative freedom on your side projects and can be something all your own unrelated from your regular work. You can read more about the benefits of having a side project in my article from last year.

Most of All Hang in There!

Have faith that the boring work will be over soon and fresh new creative work is on its way!