As web designers we always want to custom design everything ourselves. But there are times when using a theme template is a viable option (and we shouldn’t feel guilty for doing so). Using a theme template can help aid both the design and programing phases of a project. And by not building completely from scratch you can save time and money for the client.

Here are some times when it is a good idea to consider a theme template as an option:

Modest budget or time is limited

Using a theme can be a big time and budget saver, since much of the heavy lifting is done already a theme can jump start a design. You can use the theme as a base and customize it until it’s your own. Which can in turn save the time and money it would cost to build everything from scratch.

Themes that uses special features

Some themes can have special features built in that many not be accomplished with just plugins alone. Having drag and drop elements, customizable page layouts, and other site enhancements can make a theme a valuable asset for any web designer.

Limited programming knowledge

One thing that is great about themes is they often require little to no programing knowledge. Many themes have built in customization functions that allow you to edit the look and feel of the theme. Which is great for designers who are not as verse in the coding side of websites.

Extra Security

Some premium themes offer more security and updates than the average designer or programer might be able to build into a site. Often times these themes are paid subscriptions that also will provide support if a site is hacked.

Quick working prototypes

Using a theme can allow you to quickly build a basic functional site for prototyping use. Even if the design is not final it gives the client an interactive visual to better understand how their finished site will work.

Of course if you have the time and the client has the budget, a custom designed and programed site tailored to the client’s needs is always the way to go. What are your thoughts on using theme templates? Do you use them for your website or do you custom build your websites every time?

I have used some theme templates in the past, mostly successful with some failures. The successful sites were those that you wouldn’t even know they were made using a theme. With the failed sites the theme restrict design too much and were not programed very well. When selecting a theme you should keep quality in mind. Here are a couple of places I recommend to find good themes: